3 results
Biliary Ultrasound Win of the Week! 48F with RUQ pain. Marked echogenicity with shadowing noted. Name
48F with RUQ pain ... Name that sign! ... Wall-Echo-Shadow (WES) sign ... #POCUS #Gallbladder ... WallEchoShadow #WESComplex #Sign
Gangrenous cholecystitis with sloughed, intraluminal membranes on POCUS
Worsening RUQ pain/fever. Ill-appearing, low BP. WBC 22.4K. POCUS
Worsening RUQ ... US Murphy's sign ... after surgery and long ... #clinical #ultrasound ... #RUQ #gallbladder
Good example of 'shred sign' in a patient with fever, cough and shortness of breath. 

example of 'shred sign ... This POCUS finding ... pneumonia on CXR/CT ... eabramsMD #Shred #sign ... #lung #pulmonary