3 results
Live Ectopic Pregnancy on Transvaginal POCUS

Young female patient, severe abdominal pain. +preg test. Pelvic exam followed
patient, severe abdominal ... an IUP or not. #2 ... at the bedside #3 ... #Pelvic #Ultrasound ... #obgyn #obstetrics
Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO) on POCUS
1. Dilated >2.5 cm
2. "Poo and Fro"
3. Tanga (free fluid)

Dr. Michael
(SBO) on POCUS ... Dilated >2.5 cm 2. ... "Poo and Fro" 3. ... Prats @PratsEM #SmallBowel ... #ultrasound #abdominal
Small Bowel Obstruction on POCUS

This 28yo female with history of Crohn's disease presents with abdominal pain,
on POCUS This ... small bowel), 2) ... of >2.5cm, and 3) ... #SBO #SmallBowel ... #Obstruction #POCUS