56 results
Prior Fever in a Returning Traveler – PEARLs
Remember that in any returning traveler with a fever
Fever #Traveler #Cutoff
Algorithm for the diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency (AI). The standard cosyntropin stimulation test (CST) may be
StimulationTest #Algorithm #Cutoffs
Tuberculin Skin Test Interpretation - Threshold for treatment
Induration cutoff >5mm:
 • Recent exposure to an individual
treatment Induration cutoff ... patients Induration cutoff ... users Induration cutoff
ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)

• New ST-segment elevation at the J point in 2 contiguous leads
leads with the cutoff ... leads V2-V3 the cutoff
Age adjusted D Dimer

Patients Age x 10 (85 year-old patients would have an age-adjusted 
cutoff of
age-adjusted cutoff
Prediabetes and Diabetes Diagnosis Criteria

There are a few methods to test if a patient has diabetes.
Aside from the cutoffs ... important to know the cutoffs
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Management and Surveillance

- Screening should be considered for more than just men
Women have lower cutoffs
Adrenal Insufficiency Diagnosis Algorithm
Test 1: Baseline AM Cortisol 
 - Beware of major normal value
Stimulation - Cutoffs
Portopulmonary Hypertension
Presence of pulmonary arterial hypertension in a patient with portal hypertension
No other obvious causes (chronic
consensus on definite cutoff ... velocity (TRV) - Cutoff
Diagnostic algorithm for the workup of hypercalcemia. The diagnostic workup for patients presenting with hypercalcemia rests
calcium-creatinine ratio cutoff