94 results
Immune Reactions and Immunosuppressant Drugs

Glucocorticoids - Inhibition of cytokine synthesis, e.g., IL-1, IL-2
Muromonab-CD3 - Monoclonal antibody
Inhibition of cytokine ... Inhibition of cytokine ... Pathophysiology #immunology
Inflammatory mechanism of asthma. 
Airway epithelial cells exposed to activation stimuli, including allergens, viruses, and irritants,
irritants, release cytokines ... release inflammatory cytokines ... of inflammatory cytokines ... #inflammatory #immunology
Anaphylaxis: Pathogenesis
Anaphylaxis is a Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction
While the primary mechanism of anaphylaxis is mast cell
mediators (e.g. cytokines ... pathophysiology #immunology
Hypothermia in Sepsis - Pathophysiology
 • 20% of septic pts → HYPOTHERMIA
 • Increased mortality 62%
proinflammatory cytokines ... anti-inflammatory cytokine
#Interlukins #Immunology
#Entire #basic #immunology #medical #rheumatic #hypersensitivity #immunity
Entire #basic #immunology
X-linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID): Pathogenesis and clinical findings

#SCID #SevereCombinedImmunodeficiency #XLinked #pathophysiology #immunology
pathophysiology #immunology
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Pathogenesis

 • Genetic factors (Mutations in HLA- DR2/HLA-DR3 genes, complement genes, cytokine
complement genes, cytokine ... of inflammatory cytokines
Inflammatory, Immunologic, and Pathobiologic Features Leading to Severe Asthma. #Pathophysiology #Asthma #Mechanism #Leukotriene #Type2 #Inflammatory #Immunologic
Inflammatory, Immunologic ... #Inflammatory #Immunologic
Type III Hypersensitivity: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Definition: Small antigen-antibody complexes (produced from normal immune response to
HypersensitivityReaction #Allergy #Immunology