1816 results
Mechanisms of Pain
Mixed - Nociceptive/Neuropathic
Nociceptive - Tissue Damage
 - Visceral - (From organ/cavity lining) Poorly localized,
crampy, diffuse, deep ... short duration - Deep ... Pain #Mechanisms #Neurology
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) - Management Algorithm
Prognostic score for CVT:
Variables: Malignancy 2, Coma 2, Deep venous
Malignancy 2, Coma 2, Deep ... Management #Algorithm #neurology
Woltman’s sign on Physical Exam

53-year-old man presented with fatigue and sensitivity to cold. A physical examination
relaxation phase of a deep-tendon ... reflex, is a neurologic ... Clinical #Video #Neurology
Ixodes scapularis commonly known as the deer tick. It is a vector for several diseases of
commonly known as the deer ... #PrimaryCare #Neurology
Reflex Testing - Causes of Hyporeflexia and Hyperreflexia
Focal Hyporeflexia: 
 • Radiculopathy, Mononeuropathy, Polyneuropathy, Acute stroke,
Hypothyroidism, Deep ... diagnosis #table #neurology
Mytomes - Segmental Innervation of Muscles
Shoulder	Abduction	C5	Axillary Nerve
Shoulder	Adduction	C6-C8	Thoracodorsal Nerve
Elbow	Flexion	C5	Musculocutaneous Nerve
Elbow	Extension	C7	Radial Nerve
Wrist	Extension	C6	Radial Nerve
Fingers	Flexion	C8	Median Nerve
Fingers	Abduction	T1	Ulnar Nerve
Hip	Flexion	L2	Nerve to Psoas
Hip	Extension	S1	Inferior Gluteal
Dorsiflexion L4 Deep ... #Orthopedics #Neurology
Dissociated Abdominal Reflexes on Physical Exam

Absent superficial, present deep abdominal reflexes in a patient with transverse
superficial, present deep ... Abdominal #Reflexes #neurology
Primary and Secondary Headaches - Red Flags and Differential Diagnosis
Red Flags (SNOOP):
S - Systemic		
N - Neurologic
Systemic N - Neurologic ... comes quickly, deep ... secondary #management #neurology
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) - Symptoms by Location
Transverse sinus
Superior sagittal sinus
Sigmoid sinus
Deep venous system
Cortical veins
Cavernous sinus

Sigmoid sinus Deep ... Symptoms #Signs #neurology
Woltman’s sign on Physical Exam - Hi-Res .mp4 version here: https://www.grepmed.com/images/13248

53-year-old man presented with fatigue and
relaxation phase of a deep-tendon ... reflex, is a neurologic