36 results
Ultrasound Guided Thoracic Interfascial Plane Blocks

- Sergi Boada Pie @Sebopi 

#Thoracic #Interfascial #Plane #NerveBlock #Blocks #POCUS
Interfascial #Plane #NerveBlock ... POCUS #Ultrasound #Anesthesia
Interscalene Nerve Block Instructions by Jill Nickerson @ SinaiEM
#Management #Shoulder #Dislocation #Local #Anesthesia #Interscalene #NerveBlock #Instructions
Dislocation #Local #Anesthesia ... #Interscalene #NerveBlock
Urination on Fetal Ultrasound

Lest we forget, here is a vivid reminder that amniotic fluid is predominantly
Howard T Heller ... Radiology #Clinical #Fetus
Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks
Interscalene, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Axillary - Indications, positioning, and anatomy
#Management #Regional #Anesthesia #Local #Upper
Management #Regional #Anesthesia ... Upper #Extremity #NerveBlocks
Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks
Femoral, Sciatic, Popliteal, Saphenous - Indications, positioning, and anatomy

#Management #Regional #Anesthesia #Local #Lower
Management #Regional #Anesthesia ... Lower #Extremity #NerveBlocks
Fetal Yawn on Fetal Ultrasound

The fetal yawn will always be one of my favorite in utero
- Howard T Heller ... Radiology #Clinical #Fetus
Baby Sneeze in Utero - Fetal Ultrasound

Vivienne Meljen, MD @StethoscopeOn

#Baby #Sneeze #Utero #POCUS #Fetal #Ultrasound #POCUS
Ultrasound Vivienne Meljen ... Radiology #Clinical #Fetus
Median nerve block on POCUS ultrasound
Median nerve block for foreign body removal.  Amazingly good needle
TomJelic #Median #nerveblock ... ultrasound #clinical #anesthesia
Axillary Nerve Block of the Arm - Labeled Anatomy on Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

- Dr
Axillary #Arm #NerveBlock ... Clinical #SoftTissue #Anesthesia
Fetal breathing demonstrated by color Doppler. Looks like a  fire-breathing dragon (if only we had
Howard T Heller ... Doppler #Ultrasound #Fetus