1976 results
Urination on Fetal Ultrasound

Lest we forget, here is a vivid reminder that amniotic fluid is predominantly
Howard T Heller ... Radiology #Clinical #Fetus
Fetal Yawn on Fetal Ultrasound

The fetal yawn will always be one of my favorite in utero
- Howard T Heller ... Radiology #Clinical #Fetus
Baby Sneeze in Utero - Fetal Ultrasound

Vivienne Meljen, MD @StethoscopeOn

#Baby #Sneeze #Utero #POCUS #Fetal #Ultrasound #POCUS
Ultrasound Vivienne Meljen ... Radiology #Clinical #Fetus
Cullen Sign Pancreatitis #Clinical #EM #IM #Cullen #Pancreatiis #Sign #PhysicalExam
Cullen Sign Pancreatitis ... Clinical #EM #IM #Cullen ... Pancreatiis #Sign #PhysicalExam
Fetal breathing demonstrated by color Doppler. Looks like a  fire-breathing dragon (if only we had
Howard T Heller ... Doppler #Ultrasound #Fetus
Fetal Pulmonic Stenosis and Tricuspid Regurgitation on Ultrasound

Right atrium is most dilated. The fetus has severe
The fetus has severe ... Howard T Heller
Fetal Yawn on Fetal Ultrasound

Baby captured yawning during ultrasound exam. Nap time soon.

Robert Jones @RJonesSonoEM

#Fetal #Yawn
Radiology #Clinical #Fetus
Umbilical Cord Prolapse - umbilical cord presents ahead of fetus
 • Elevate the presenting fetal part
presents ahead of fetus
Snellen Chart for Mobile - Should be held at arm's length -  Note this has
Snellen Chart for ... Ophthalmology #Snellen
Acute Stroke - Diagnosis and Management Summary

- Dr. Declan O'Kane @drokane

#CVA #stroke #summary #diagnosis #management #treatment
Declan O'Kane @drokane