2274 results
Triplets on Fetal Ultrasound

- Howard T Heller MD FAIUM @hellersound

#Triplets #pregnancy #Fetal #Ultrasound #clinical #obgyn #obstetrics
Ultrasound - Howard T Heller ... clinical #obgyn #obstetrics
Early IUP and endometrial polyp!

Howard T Heller MD FAIUM @hellersound

#IUP #endometrial #polyp #clinical #ultrasound #pelvic #obgyn
Howard T Heller ... #transvaginal #obstetrics
Urination on Fetal Ultrasound

Lest we forget, here is a vivid reminder that amniotic fluid is predominantly
Howard T Heller ... Ultrasound #POCUS #Obstetrics
Umbilical Cord Prolapse - umbilical cord presents ahead of fetus
 • Elevate the presenting fetal part
position • Obstetrical ... UmbilicalCord #Prolapse #Obstetrics
Fetal Yawn on Fetal Ultrasound

The fetal yawn will always be one of my favorite in utero
- Howard T Heller ... Ultrasound #POCUS #Obstetrics
Obstetric Ultrasound Pocket Card
1st Trimester Checklist:
 • Look for signs of an IUP
 • Gestational dating
Obstetric Ultrasound ... Pocus101 #fetal #Obstetrics
Baby Sneeze in Utero - Fetal Ultrasound

Vivienne Meljen, MD @StethoscopeOn

#Baby #Sneeze #Utero #POCUS #Fetal #Ultrasound #POCUS
Ultrasound Vivienne Meljen ... Ultrasound #POCUS #Obstetrics
En Caul Birth - Cesarean Section


#En #Caul #EnCaul #Birth #Cesarean #Section #clinical #physicalexam #intraoperative #video #obstetrics
intraoperative #video ... #obstetrics #obgyn
#Abnormal Uterine bleeding. #Late #Bleeding #Pregnancy #Differential #Diagnosis #Algorithm #Causes #Obstetrics #OBGyn
#AUB #Abnormal #Uterine #Bleeding #Mnemonic
Algorithm #Causes #Obstetrics ... PALMCOEIN #Diagnosis #Obstetrics
Atrial Fibrillation seen during Bypass Surgery (CABG)

Dr. Thomas Dolven @thomas1973

#Atrial #Fibrillation #AFib #thoracic #Surgery #CTS #clinical
Thomas Dolven @thomas1973 ... CTS #clinical #video