7174 results
Tooth Fracture - Ellis Classification
I Fracture of enamel 
Smooth edge with file and discharge with
Tooth Fracture - Ellis ... Tooth #Fracture #Ellis ... Teeth #Dental #Dentistry
Ellis system of classification system for a tooth fracture:

Ellis 1: injury of the crown into enamel
Ellis system of ... tooth fracture: Ellis ... follow up with a dentist ... follow up with dentist ... in 24 hours Ellis
Dental chart and common terminology. 

#Trauma #Dental #Dentistry #Tooth #Teeth #Diagnosis #Numbering
Trauma #Dental #Dentistry
Lelli's Test (Lever Sign) for ACL Injury

A fist is placed under the proximal 3rd of the
#Lellis #Test #Lever ... cruciate #ligament #clinical
Clamp Types - Common Surgical Instruments
Also called locking forceps, these are ratcheted instruments used to hold
Allis and Babcock
Brain Aneurysm Clipping - Neurosurgery

By Dr. Jason Ellis @jason.ellis_md

#Brain #Aneurysm #Clipping #clinical #video #intraoperative #neurosurgery
Jason Ellis @jason.ellis_md ... Aneurysm #Clipping #clinical
Tongue Pathology 

Geographic tongue, fissured tongue, and hairy tongue are the most common tongue problems and
surgeon, or a dentist
Orthopedic Dislocations (Shoulder, Elbow and Hip) - Diagnosis and Management Summary
Shoulder Dislocation
 • Fall on the
Allis method
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
rashes you see in clinic ... #peds #rashes #clinical
Dengue Illness - Clinical Course of the Disease - Febrile, Critical, Recovery phases
 • Days of
Dengue Illness - Clinical ... Disease - Febrile, Critical ... • Potential clinical