210 results
Retinal detachment - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Retinal detachment in a patient with ocular trauma.

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

Retinal detachment ... Examination Retinal detachment ... oftalmopo #Retinal #Detachment ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Retinal Detachment on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Retinal #Detachment #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology #Fundoscopy
Retinal Detachment ... oftalmopo #Retinal #Detachment ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Tractional Retinal Detachment on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Tractional retinal detachment in a patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Tractional Retinal Detachment ... Tractional retinal detachment ... Tractional #Retinal #Detachment ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#RRD #Rhegmatogenous #Retinal #Detachment #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical
Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment ... Rhegmatogenous #Retinal #Detachment ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Overlap

 SJS-TEN overlap and TEN - Surface Epidermal
Stevens-Johnson syndrome ... Surface Epidermal detachment ... Stevens #Johnsons #Syndrome
Neovascularization on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Neovascularization in a patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. It is also observed
observed tractional detachment ... Retinopathy #PDR #Detachment ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Pseudoretinitis Pigmentosa on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Pseudoretinitis pigmentosa in a patient with old retinal detachment. 

Dr. Sebastian
with old retinal detachment ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Common Childhood Exanthems - Differential Diagnosis
1) Rubeola (Measles) - Measles morbillivirus (MeV)
2) Scarlet Fever - Streptococcus
measles) - Rubella Virus ... Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome ... - Human Herpes Virus
Varus Stress Test for LCL Injury on Knee Physical Exam

The knee is examined in extension and
Varus Stress Test ... PT_yuu_mizu628 #Varus ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Ocular Flutter in the Serotonin Syndrome

#Ocular #Flutter #Serotonin #Syndrome #Clinical #Video #PhysicalExam #Opsoclonus
the Serotonin Syndrome ... Flutter #Serotonin #Syndrome ... #Clinical #Video