2252 results
Summary table of comparison of the difference between primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis
comparison of the difference ... #differential #hepatology
Differences between direct, indirect, and femoral hernia 

#Differential; #Surgery; #Hernia; #InguinalHernia

Image Source:De Virgilio, C., Grigorian, A.,
Differences between ... femoral hernia #Differential
First-line therapies for Asthma, Asthma-COPD Overlap and COPD

The diagnosis of COPD, asthma, and ACO initially requires
summary of the differential ... Overlap #FirstLine #Differences
Portal Hypertension - Differential Diagnosis
Portal Pressure = the pressure difference between the pressure in the portal
Hypertension - Differential ... = the pressure difference ... #Hypertension #Differential
Know the Difference between Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
#Diagnosis #PatientInfo #Heat #Stroke #Exhaustion #Temperature #Differences #Comparison
Know the Difference ... #Temperature #Differences
Widened Pulse Pressure - Differential Diagnosis and Pathophysiology

Pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic blood
Pulse Pressure - Differential ... pressure is the difference ... outcomes in CKD Differential ... Pulse #Pressure #Differential
Mosaic attenuation
The term 'mosaic attenuation' is used to describe density differences between affected and non-affected lung
describe density differences ... #Attenuation #Differential
Physiologic, Anatomic and Pharmacologic Differences in Pediatric Anesthesiology

- Mark Harris, MD MPH

#Pediatrics #Anesthesiology #Peds #Differences #Adults
Pharmacologic Differences ... Anesthesiology #Peds #Differences
ProBNP (pro B-type natriuretic peptide) is secreted by cardiomyocytes in response to stretch and is quickly
Differences between ... NT-proBNP are cleared differentially
What is the difference between ischemic colitis and mesenteric ischemia?
A common misnomer. Mesenteric ischemia and ischemic
What is the difference ... mesentericischemia #comparison #differences