901 results
Anterior Interosseous Peripheral Nerve Injury 

Manifested as the inability to make the OK sign.

by Dr. Boby
Manifested as the inability ... physicalexam #msk #sports
Modified Rankin Scale

#Diagnosis #Neurology #Modified #Rankin #Scale #MRS #Stroke #Disability #Dependence
#MRS #Stroke #Disability
Gerstmann Syndrome
1) Finger agnosia - Inability to name their own fingers, affecting both sides
2) Right-left confusion
Finger agnosia - Inability ... Right-left confusion - Inability ... 3) Acalculia - Inability ... without alexia) - Inability
Inability to retract the foreskin - Can be normal up to 3 years old -
Phimosis Inability ... Paraphimosis • Inability
Evidence supports the Ottawa ankle rules as an accurate instrument for excluding fractures of the ankle
Evidence supports ... Management #EM #Ortho #Sports
Shoulder Bone Anatomy
Clavicle, Acromion, Scapula, Humerus

By @rev.med

#Shoulder #Bone #Anatomy #sports #orthopedics
Bone #Anatomy #sports
The 9 Ds of Weight loss in the Elderly
 - Dementia
 - Depression
 - Disease (acute
Dysfunction (functional disability
Ottawa Ankle Rule #Diagnosis #Management #EM #Ortho #Sports #Ottawa #Ankle #Foot #Rule
Management #EM #Ortho #Sports
Reduction of Posterior Elbow Dislocation

#Elbow #Dislocation #Reduction #Posterior #clinical #video #msk #sports #orthopedics #physicalexam
clinical #video #msk #sports
Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation
 • COPD exacerbation (↓ intubation, ↓ mortality), Cardiogenic pulmonary edema (↓
Unresponsiveness/coma, Inability ... trigger breath, Inability