3 results
The findings are:
 - Large density on the left with loss of cardiac silhouette.
 - High
atelectasis of the lower ... Clinical #Radiology #CXR ... #Lateral #LUL #Lobar ... Collapse #Luftsichel #Sign ... LuftsichelSign #RadiologyAssistant
There is an atelectasis of the left upper lobe.
You would not expect the apical region to
atelectasis of the left ... overinflation of the lower ... Clinical #Radiology #CXR ... #Lateral #LUL #Lobar ... LuftsichelSign #RadiologyAssistant
Stage I - Redistribution
In a normal chest film with the patient standing erect, the pulmonary vessels
flow from the lower ... good condition (left ... period of CHF (right ... Clinical #Radiology #CXR ... Redistribution #RadiologyAssistant