4 results
Caustic Injury to the Esophagus after Disinfectant Ingestion

This is what the esophagus looks like when you
Esophagus after Disinfectant ... when you ingest disinfectant ... Caustic #Ingestion #Disinfectants
Lip and Tongue Injuries Secondary to Toxic Ingestion (Disinfectant)

Dr. Chethan Sathya, MD MSc @drchethansathya

#Lip #Tongue #Ingestion
Toxic Ingestion (Disinfectant ... Tongue #Ingestion #Disinfectants
Caustic Injury to the Esophagus after Disinfectant Ingestion

Do NOT consume disinfectants in an attempt to kill
Esophagus after Disinfectant ... Do NOT consume disinfectants ... Caustic #Ingestion #Disinfectants
Microbial Resistance to Disinfectants

Most Resistant -> Least Resistant
- Bacterial Spore
- Mycobacteria
- Small, non-enveloped viruses
- Fungi
- Gram
Resistance to Disinfectants ... AntiMicrobial #Resistance #Disinfectants