3 results
Posterior Elbow Dislocation
The elbow is the second most commonly dislocated major joint in adults and the
Dislocation The ... common major joint dislocation ... triad = posterior dislocation ... #Dislocation #Posterior ... #Radiology #XRay
Scaphoid Fractures
The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone. Remember, if a fracture is suspected
tenderness to the anatomic ... : Scapholunate dissociation ... , perilunate dislocation ... associated scapholunate dissociation ... Carpal #Radiology #XRay
Monteggia Fracture 
Fracture of proximal ulnar shaft with radial head dislocation. Remember “MUGR” to recall where
Fracture of proximal ... with radial head dislocation ... the radial head dislocation ... Exam: swollen elbow ... Ulnar #Radiology #XRay