70 results
Reduction of Posterior Elbow Dislocation

#Elbow #Dislocation #Reduction #Posterior #clinical #video #msk #sports #orthopedics #physicalexam
Posterior Elbow Dislocation ... #Elbow #Dislocation ... #orthopedics #physicalexam
Interscalene Nerve Block Instructions by Jill Nickerson @ SinaiEM
#Management #Shoulder #Dislocation #Local #Anesthesia #Interscalene #NerveBlock #Instructions
Management #Shoulder #Dislocation ... #Local #Anesthesia
Hip Reduction after Dislocation

#Hip #Reduction #Dislocation #clinical #video #physicalexam #sports #orthopedics #msk
Reduction after Dislocation ... Hip #Reduction #Dislocation ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Severe Anterior Shoulder Dislocation

#Anterior #Shoulder #Dislocation #clinical #video #orthopedics #physicalexam #msk #sports
Anterior Shoulder Dislocation ... Anterior #Shoulder #Dislocation ... #orthopedics #physicalexam
Bilateral Lens Dislocation in Marfan syndrome - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Bilateral #Lens #Dislocation
Bilateral Lens Dislocation ... Bilateral #Lens #Dislocation ... syndrome #Ocular #PhysicalExam
Lens Dislocation - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Lens #Dislocation #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology
Lens Dislocation ... oftalmopo #Lens #Dislocation ... #Ocular #PhysicalExam
Argyll Robertson Pupil
 - Irregular and small (1-2mm) pupil
 - Light-near dissociation (accommodation remains intact)
- Light-near dissociation ... and classical association ... ophthalmology #physicalexam
Reduction of Anterior Shoulder Dislocation

This young man presented to the ER with a Shoulder Dislocation. He
Anterior Shoulder Dislocation ... with a Shoulder Dislocation ... Reduction #Shoulder #Dislocation ... video #procedure #physicalexam
Dislocated Shoulder Reduction 

#Shoulder #Reduction #MSK #PhysicalExam #Procedure #Orthopedics #clinical #video #dislocation
Reduction #MSK #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #dislocation
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Nerve Blocks in Emergency Medicine: Interscalene Brachial Plexus Nerve Block
Uses in the Emergency Department:
reduction of shoulder dislocation ... block #ultrasound #anesthesia