638 results
Decompression Illness
Decompression Sickness vs Arterial Gas Embolism in Diving
#Diagnosis #Management #Decompression #Illness #Sickness #GasEmbolism #Diving #Divers
GasEmbolism #Diving #Divers
Paucis Verbis card: Early goal directed therapy
April 16th, 2010 | ALiEM Cards, Infectious Disease 
By: Michelle
Emanuel Rivers ( ... EarlyGoalDirectedTherapy #EGDT #Rivers
What was the 6 Hour EGDT Protocol from the 2001 Rivers Study?
#Management #SepsisBundle #EarlyGoalDirectedTherapy #EGDT #Rivers
from the 2001 Rivers ... EarlyGoalDirectedTherapy #EGDT #Rivers
Protocol for Early Goal-Directed Therapy.
#Management #Sepsis #EarlyGoalDirectedTherapy #EGDT #Rivers #Protocol #Algorithm #NEJM
EarlyGoalDirectedTherapy #EGDT #Rivers
Infographic: Compartment Syndrome #Diagnosis #Managment #Ortho #Compartment #Syndrome #CompartmentSyndrome #FIVEPs #Overview #ALiEM
CompartmentSyndrome #FIVEPs
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers:

#viral #hemorrhagic #fevers #viruses
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers ... #hemorrhagic #fevers
Syphilis serologies notes
#ID  #InfectiousDiseases  #Infections
#Microbiology #Micro
#syphilis #RPR #treponemal #serologies #nontreponemal #VDRL #titers

By Dr. Sara
nontreponemal #VDRL #titers
Syphilis serologies notes
#ID  #InfectiousDiseases  #Infections
#Microbiology #Micro
#syphilis #RPR #treponemal #serologies #nontreponemal #VDRL #titers #CSF #LP
nontreponemal #VDRL #titers
The test characteristics of the heterophile antibody (AKA the monospot test) are not perfect and can
EBV #Serologies #Titers
Oliver's sign (Tracheal Tug Sign)

Oliver's sign is an abnormal downward movement of the trachea during systole
#Olivers #sign #