739 results
Types of Urinary Diversion Procedures
Ileal Conduit:
 • Technically simpler, fewer complications, and well understood. No bladder
Types of Urinary Diversion ... Continent Urinary diversion ... drM_sudha #Urinary #Diversion ... Procedures #Types #Comparison
Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials

A more complete picture: contrasting the journal version of antidepressant trials with
contrasting the journal version ... Publication #Bias #Comparison
Giant TWave Inversion #Diagnosis #Cardiology #EKG #GTWI #GiantT #GiantTWave #Inversion #ECGEducator
Giant TWave Inversion ... GiantT #GiantTWave #Inversion
Wellens Syndrome on EKG
Associated with a critical stenosis of the proximal LAD, suggestive of impending infarction
Terminal T-wave Inversion ... Symmetric T-wave Inversion
Causes of Non-Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis - USED PART Mnemonic
U: Urinary diversion/ Ureteroenterostomy
S: Small Bowel Fistula
Mnemonic U: Urinary diversion
ST depression & T wave inversion causes #Pathophys #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Differential #TWI #STD #TWaveInversion
depression & T wave inversion
Pre RSI Checklist

I also simplified, clarified, and improved every aspect of the checklist. So here is
here is the 2.0 version ... than 60 second version
Hypertrophic, Dilated and Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy - Comparison

#Hypertrophic #Dilated #Arrhythmogenic #Cardiomyopathy #Comparison #Diagnosis #Management #Cardiomyopathies #Cardiology
Cardiomyopathy - Comparison ... Cardiomyopathy #Comparison
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound - POCUS

Pitt Internal Medicine Point of Care Ultrasound @PittIMPOCUS

.mp4 Hi-Res Version Here:
.mp4 Hi-Res Version
Types of Shock - Comparison, Signs and Symptoms

#Shock #Types #Comparison #Table #Signs #Symptoms #Classification
Types of Shock - Comparison ... #Shock #Types #Comparison