92 results
Doge Cap Sign on Abdominal X-Ray aka Morrison Pouch Sign
Triangular shaped lucency below the 11th rib
Pal @drdevrad #DogeCap ... Abdominal #XRay #kub
Labeled Abdominal XRay Anatomy - KUB 
#Anatomy #Radiology #Abdomen #XRay #KUB #Labeled
XRay Anatomy - KUB ... Abdomen #XRay #KUB
#Clinical #Radiology #GallstoneIleus #KUB
GallstoneIleus #KUB
Cecal vs Sigmoid Volvulus: Differences on Abdominal XRay

Dr. Keith Siau @drkeithsiau

#Cecal #Sigmoid #Volvulus #comparison #Abdominal #XRay
Abdominal #XRay #KUB
To be eligible for hospice beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s disease must have a FAST Scale of greater
independently; Sub-stage ... wipe properly) Sub-stage ... incontinence Sub-stage ... words a day) Sub-stage ... independently Sub-stage
Abdominal X-Ray Anatomy and Interpretation Checklist
 - Is there bowel dilatation, wall edema or pneumatosis?
Abdominal #XRay #KUB
Rigler Sign on Abdominal X-Ray aka Double Wall Sign
Bowel walls are clearly visible because of gas
Abdominal #XRay #KUB
Colonic Thumbprint Sign on Abdominal XRay - Differential Diagnosis:
 • inflammatory bowel disease: UC and CD
Diagnosis #radiology #KUB
Small bowel obstruction

pain in abdomen; history of previous abdominal surgery
 - Dilated bowel loops
 - multiple
Clinical #Radiology #KUB
X-ray limitations
It’s important to know the limitations of X-rays so we can correctly interpret them in
Radiology #ChestXRay #KUB