10 results
Posterior ECG Lead Placement #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Posterior #Lead #Placement #PosteriorMI #Instructions #ECGEducator
Placement #Diagnosis #Cardiology ... #PosteriorMI #Instructions
Single Syringe Adenosine - Instructions
1) Dilute 6-12 mg of adenosine in a syringe for a total
Syringe Adenosine - Instructions ... Syringe #Adenosine #Instructions ... pharmacology #SVT #cardiology
Dix-Hallpike Maneuver for BPPV

1. Make the patient sit on examination table, such that the shoulders would
Dix #Hallpike #DixHallpike ... Maneuver #BPPV #Instructions
How to measure Pulsus Paradoxus
 - Step 1: Take a normal manual blood pressure to determine
#measurement #instructions ... #cardiology #physicalexam
HEART Score – A Tool For the ED The HEART score is an excellent tool that
with follow-up instructions ... Diagnosis #Management #Cardiology
How to Float a PA (Swan-Ganz) Catheter
1) Place an introducer catheter, usually 15 to 20cm, into
Pulmonary #Artery #instructions ... #cardiology
Dix-Hallpike Maneuver for the Diagnosis of BPPV
The Dix–Hallpike test (Nylen Barany test) is a diagnostic maneuver
But a downbeat nystagmus ... Dix #Hallpike #DixHallpike
Dix-Hallpike Maneuver for the Diagnosis of BPPV (Animated)

The Dix–Hallpike test (Nylen Barany test) is a diagnostic
But a downbeat nystagmus ... Dix #Hallpike #DixHallpike
Modified Valsalva Maneuver Instructions PocketCard

1) Position patient with legs flat and head of bed to 45°
Valsalva Maneuver Instructions ... Maneuver #REVERT #Instructions ... #SVT #Cardiology
Dynamic CT Myelograms can help identify the source of spinal CSF Leaks. 
1. Place a sponge
CSFLeak #Procedure #Instructions ... Spinal #Diagnosis #Radiology