2031 results
Bilateral Congenital Hip Dysplasia in an almost 5 year old.
This gait was called “clumsy”. For years.
Congenital Hip Dysplasia ... Congenital #Hip #Dysplasia ... orthopedics #video #physicalexam
Tongue Atrophy and Tongue Fasciculations on Physical Exam

44 year-old male with dysphasia and progressive muscular weakness.

year-old male with dysphasia ... Fasciculations #glossal #PhysicalExam
Pulsatile Exophthalmos on Physical Exam - Protrusion and Pulsation of the eyeball
 - Carotid cavernous fistula
sphenoid wing dysplasia ... #Exophthalmos #PhysicalExam
Dysplasia in Myelodysplastic Syndrome 
 - Dyserythropoiesis 
 - Dysmegakaryopoiesis 

#Dysplasias #MDS #Myelodysplastic
Dysplasia in Myelodysplastic ... Dysmegakaryopoiesis #Dysplasias
Extreme Patellofemoral Joint Instability (PFJI)

In this video you can see an extreme rare case of bilateral
rotation 6️⃣trochlea dysplasia ... Clinical #Video #PhysicalExam
Dyspepsia Evaluation Algorithm

#Dyspepsia #diagnosis #Algorithm #evaluation #gastroenterology #epigastric
Dyspepsia Evaluation ... Algorithm #Dyspepsia
Heartburn / Dyspepsia Management Algorithm

#Heartburn #Dyspepsia #GERD #Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Heartburn / Dyspepsia ... #Heartburn #Dyspepsia
Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia - ECG Findings

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #ECG #EKG #ARVD #Arrhythmogenic #RightVentricular #Dysplasia #Criteria #EpsilonWaves
Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia ... RightVentricular #Dysplasia
Dyspepsia Management Algorithm (NICE Guidelines)
 • Alarm Symptoms
 • Endoscopy
 • Imaging
 • Management

Dr. Keith Siau
Dyspepsia Management ... @drkeithsiau #Dyspepsia
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (ARVD)

• A small positive deflection buried in the terminal QRS complex (Epsilon
Right Ventricular Dysplasia ... RightVentricular #Dysplasia