3 results
Herpes Zoster C3 Distribution: Dermatomally distributed vesicles, many of which have coalesced, 
in patient with HZV
Herpes Zoster C3 ... Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD ... Catalog of Clinical ... Images #Clinical ... #Photo #Dermatology
Blood Product Transfusions One Pager Summary
Type and screen - determines blood type and detects in recipient
in recipient (e.g ... haptoglobin, ↑LDH, etc ... include: fever, cutaneous ... Transfusions #diagnosis #management ... #hematology #reactions
Blood Transfusion Reactions

Immune Mediated:
 • Febrile Non-Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (FNHTR): Most common immune reaction to transfusion.
haptoglobin, ↑LDH, etc ... exposure can be faster ... include: fever, cutaneous ... Transfusion #diagnosis #management ... #hematology #reactions