4 results
The arrows point to a subendocardial region with poor contrast enhancement due to ischemia. This is
arrows point to a subendocardial ... region with poor contrast ... This is posterior subendocardial ... #Clinical #EM #IM ... Radiology #CTChest #Subendocardial
#Diagnosis #EM #IM #PERC #Low #Risk #Pulmonary #Embolism #PulmonaryEmbolism #Algorithm #RebelEM
#Diagnosis #EM # ... IM #PERC #Low #Risk ... PulmonaryEmbolism #Algorithm #RebelEM
The arrows point to the inferior subendocardium.  It is dark because there is low contrast
to the inferior subendocardium ... because there is low contrast ... picture of inferior subendocardial ... #Clinical #EM #IM ... Radiology #CTChest #Subendocardial
The pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria (PERC) was created to reduce testing in patients who have a
rule-out criteria (PERC ... #Diagnosis #EM # ... IM #PERC #Rule # ... PulmonaryEmbolism #RebelEM