6 results
It starts as sinus rhythm with probable inferior STEMI, but becomes ventricular fibrillation (or polymorphic ventricular
with probable inferior ... STEMI, but becomes ... #Clinical #EM #Cardiology ... #EKG #Arrest #VentricularTachycardia
Type 1 Second-degree AV block, also known as Mobitz I or Wenckebach periodicity, is almost always
electrocardiogram (ECG ... #Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent ... #EKG #MobitzI # ... Mobitz1 #Mobitz #ECGEducator
Type 1 Second-degree AV block, also known as Mobitz I or Wenckebach periodicity, is almost always
electrocardiogram (ECG ... #Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent ... #EKG #MobitzI # ... Mobitz1 #Mobitz #ECGEducator
Now there is additional ST elevation in lateral leads, also diagnostic of STEMI. #Clinical #EM #Cardiology
diagnostic of STEMI ... #Clinical #EM #Cardiology ... #EKG #STEMI #Inferior
There is inferior ST elevation with reciprocal ST depression in aVL and  in lead I,
There is inferior ... suggestive of STEMI ... suggestive of STEMI ... #Clinical #EM #Cardiology ... #EKG #STEMI #Inferior
Mobitz II heart block is characterized on a surface ECG by intermittently nonconducted P waves not
characterized on a surface ECG ... #Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent ... #EKG #MobitzII ... Mobitz2 #Mobitz #ECGEducator