367 results
Pneumonia with Air Bronchograms, Effusion

Dr. Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency Medicine

#Clinical	#POCUS #Lung #Pneumonia #AirBronchograms
UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... AirBronchograms #Effusion #SonoStuff
POCUS Infrarenal Ballooning AAA - Transverse View

Dr. Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency Medicine

#Clinical	#POCUS #Abdomen
UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... Infrarenal #Transverse #SonoStuff
QA of the Day. Ocular movements for retinal detachment - Dr. Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff - UC
UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... RetinalDetachment #Sonostuff
POCUS QA of the Day: interpreted as probable SBO ->> Severe hydronephrosis

Dr. Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff -
UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... Hydronephrosis #SonoStuff
Images of the knee were taken as well that demonstrated no significant joint effusion.

Dr. Michael Schick
UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... #Knee #Normal #SonoStuff
Quadriceps tear muscle tear seen on POCUS. The tendon remains intact- no rupture 

Dr. Michael Schick
UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... Hematoma #LongAxis #Sonostuff
QA of the Day: great apical 4 chamber demonstrating mitral then flow through a VSD 

UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... Echocardiogram #POCUS #VSD #SonoStuff
Cause of your vision loss flapping in the wind.  Lots of gel, stabilize your hand,
UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... RetinalDetachment #Sonostuff
A POCUS is done starting first at the distal posterior thigh on non-painful, normal appearing tissue.

UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... #Longitudinal #SonoStuff
A similar hypoechoic, enlarged region was identified in the right posterior calf with a very small
UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency ... #Pyomyositis #SonoStuff