17 results
Beginner's Guide to End-Tital Capnography
4 Phases of the Capnoqram
I - Inspiration and expiration Of dead space
Phases of the Capnoqram ... Diagnosis #PCC #EndTidalCO2 ... #Capnography #Capnogram
Continuous capnography monitoring is now standard for all ventilated patients on intensive care units (ICUs) in
interpretation of capnograph ... Waveform #ETCO2 #EndTidalCO2
Capnography and 12 Common Waves - Credit: Charlie Alvarenga

#Diagnosis #CriticalCare #Capnography #Waveforms #Interpretation #ETCO2 #EndTidalCO2 #pulmonary
Interpretation #ETCO2 #EndTidalCO2
Know the waves!  Capnography is useful for more than just tube placement confirmation.

#Diagnosis #PCC #Capnography
Interpretation #ETCO2 #EndTidalCO2
Today in the OR, the anesthesiologist shared with me his "Coffee Cup Rule" for ETCO2 obstruction
Capnography #ETCO2 #EndTidalCO2
Capnography Waveforms
Sudden loss of waveform
 • ET tube disconnected, dislodged, kinked or obstructec
 • Loss of
Interpretation #ETCO2 #EndTidalCO2
Measurement of exhaled carbon dioxide can be used to confirm ETT placement, for safer procedural sedation,
on an ABG) The Capnograph ... exhalation Specific capnograph
Intraoperative Hypertension - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia
Hypertension is most commonly due to inappropriate depth of
• Check capnogram
Intraoperative  Bradycardia - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia
Bradycardia in theatre should not be treated as
• Check capnogram
Hypotension - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia

Hypotension is commonly due to unnecessarily deep anaesthesia, the autonomic
• Check capnogram