90 results
Engorged Deer Tick

TM Smith, D.O. @RosenelliEM

#Deer #Tick #Engorged #parasite #clinical #video
Engorged Deer Tick ... #Deer #Tick #Engorged
Internal Jugular Vein Anatomy on JVP Examination
Where can I find the IJ?
- Look where SCM attaches
- Both may be engorged
Engorged IVC and Hepatic Veins in Severe Triscuspid Regurgitation

Dr. Robert Jones @RJonesSonoEM

#IVC #Hepatic #Veins #Triscuspid #Regurgitation
Engorged IVC and
Scleritis - Most common immune cause: Rheumatoid arthritis. Exam: Deep episcleral plexus is vascularly engorged –
is vascularly engorged
Polycythemia Vera 
• A clonal proliferation of myeloid cells 
• Increased RBC mass, JAK2 mutation 
gout • Plethora„engorged
Pterygium Grading Classification

Grade 0 - There is no pterygium tissue present
Grade 1 (trace)- Pterygium tissue is
Significant tortuous and engorged ... Dense network of engorged
The guide catheter was deliberately not engaged with the left main artery, as an occlusion was
deliberately not engaged
Bilateral enlarged #kidney in a patient with #polycystic kidney disease

#PhysicalExam #clinical #video #PKD #ADPKD #nephrology
Bilateral enlarged
External Jugular Vein Distention: The picture on the left demonstrates a markedly distended
right external jugular vein
becomes more engorged
21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (21-OHD): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Autosomal recessive mutation in CYP21A2 coding for the enzyme 21-OHase
birth due to an enlarged ... Darkened scrotum & enlarged ... difficulties • Enlarged