2573 results
Bilateral enlarged #kidney in a patient with #polycystic kidney disease

#PhysicalExam #clinical #video #PKD #ADPKD #nephrology
Bilateral enlarged ... kidney disease #PhysicalExam
Engorged Deer Tick

TM Smith, D.O. @RosenelliEM

#Deer #Tick #Engorged #parasite #clinical #video
Engorged Deer Tick ... #Deer #Tick #Engorged
Splenomegaly: Massively enlarged spleen, the result of extramedullary hematopoiesis, is outlined above.
This patient's left upper quadrant
Splenomegaly: Massively enlarged ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Internal Jugular Vein Anatomy on JVP Examination
Where can I find the IJ?
- Look where SCM attaches
- Both may be engorged ... #Anatomy #JVP #PhysicalExam
Grey Turner Sign Pancreatitis 

#Clinical #Photo #GreyTurners #Grey #Turners #Pancreatitis #Sign #PhysicalExam
#Clinical #Photo ... Pancreatitis #Sign #PhysicalExam
"Liver palms"
Palmar erythema 

#clinical #diagnosis #PhysicalExam 
#hands #liver #hepatology #cirrosis
clinical #diagnosis #PhysicalExam ... hepatology #cirrosis #photo
Clinical signs in hands of rheumatoid arthritis: ulnar deviation, swan-neck and boutonnière deformity.

#clinical #photo #rheum
#PhysicalExam ... #clinical #photo
Janeway Lesions in Endocarditis seen on Physical Exam 

Dr Supradip Ghosh

36 year old male with history
sister shared these photos ... #Endocarditis #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #photo
Inflammation of the nail folds - red, swollen, often tender. Frequent immersion in water a risk
#Fingernails #PhysicalExam ... #Clinical #Photo
Terry's Nails

Proximal paleness extending halfway up the nail, often eliminating the lunula. Darker distal band. Seen
#Fingernails #PhysicalExam ... #Clinical #Photo