77 results
From left to right, an Ixodes scapularis larva, nymph, adult male tick, and adult female tick.
IxodesScapularis #Sizes #Engorgement
Previous normal chest x-ray (left) and CHF stage II with perihilar haze (right). On the left
CHF #Vascular #Engorgement
Artery-to-bronchus ratio 
Normally the vessels in the upper lobes are smaller than the accompanying bronchus with
CHF #Vascular #Engorgement
Ixodes scapularis ticks demonstrating changes in blood engorgement after various durations of attachment. A, Nymphal stage
changes in blood engorgement
The Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders Intervention: Falls Risk Factor Assessment and
Management, Patient Engagement
Internal Hemorrhoids - Classification
Grade l: 
 • 1st-degree or primary hemorrhoids - normal or near-normal
vasculature with engorgement
Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Pachymeningitis is a rare condition that causes areas of a layer
• dural venous engorgement ... • dural venous engorgement
Intermittent Bilateral Exophthalmos (Alternating Exophthalmos and Enophthalmos) on Physical Exam

Observing this patient in silence for a
CT head showed engorgement
Hilar enlargement
The table summarizes the causes of hilar enlargement.
Normal hili are:
- Normal in position - left
Hilar enlargement ... causes of hilar enlargement ... HilarEnlargement #Hilar #Enlargement
Severe Left Atrial Enlargement on Echocardiogram

- Dr. MOHAMMAD TARIQ ALI https://twitter.com/DRTARIQ786

#Left #Atrial #Enlargement #Severe #Cardiology #Echocardiogram
Severe Left Atrial Enlargement ... #Left #Atrial #Enlargement