492 results
Circinate Balanitis - Physical examination revealed erythematous, well-demarcated annular plaques on the glans penis and meatal
examination revealed erythematous ... Balanitis #Chlamydia #NEJM
Ecthyma Gangrenosum - A physical examination revealed a 2-cm hemorrhagic patch with an erythematous border (Panel
patch with an erythematous ... #Neutropenic #NEJM
Crusted Scabies - Physical examination now revealed a generalized erythematous and scaly rash with intense hyperkeratotic
a generalized erythematous ... Scabies #Microscopy #NEJM
Creeping Eruption - Cutaneous Larva Migrans - The eruption was migratory, moving a few millimeters to
a serpiginous, erythematous ... Migrans #Hookworm #NEJM
African Trypanosomiasis - The examination was notable for the two erythematous lesions, each measuring 3 to
notable for the two erythematous ... TrypanosomaBrucei #NEJM
Primary and Secondary Syphilis - On examination, the patient had sharply demarcated erythematous, scaly plaques on
sharply demarcated erythematous ... TreponemaPallidum #NEJM
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex - The physical examination revealed erythematous papules on the chin, nose, and cheeks
examination revealed erythematous ... TuberousSclerosis #NEJM
Lymphangitis on the Abdomen - Examination revealed a warm, indurated plaque with extension toward her left
examination, an erythematous ... Lymphangitis #Abdominal #NEJM
Grouped Pustules on an Erythematous Base - On physical examination, grouped, coalescing pustules that had scalloped
Pustules on an Erythematous ... borders on an erythematous ... Smear #Microscopy #NEJM
Disseminated Blastomycosis - Computed tomography (CT) of his chest showed an infiltrate in the right upper
the finger was erythematous ... BroadBasedBud #Microscopy #NEJM