210 results
The asphyxia escape reflex is assessed by placing the child in the prone position on the
The asphyxia escape ... #asphyxia #escape
Junctional Rhythms - Junctional rhythm describes an abnormal heart rhythm resulting from impulses coming from a
#RetrogradeP #Escape
A junctional escape beat is a delayed heartbeat originating not from the atrium but from an
A junctional escape ... EKG #Junctional #Escape
Sympathetic Crashing Acute Pulmonary Edema (SCAPE) - Management

#Management #SCAPE #Sympathetic #Crashing #Acute #Pulmonary #Edema #Treatment
Pulmonary Edema (SCAPE ... #Management #SCAPE
Glasgow Coma Scale - Adult and Pediatrics

Check on the health of a newborn baby using the
Glasgow Coma Scale ... the APGAR rating scale ... Glasgow #Coma #Scale
Bristol Stool Scale

#Diagnosis #Constipation #Bristol #Stool #Types #Scale #Chart #Severity

** GrepMed Recommended Text: Bates' Guide to
Bristol Stool Scale ... #Stool #Types #Scale
How to Measure Frailty in Your Patients - Clinical Frailty Scale

#Frailty #Measurement #Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Scale
Clinical Frailty Scale ... Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Scale
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) 10-Item Shortened Form #Diagnosis #Geriatrics #Geriatric #Depression #Scale #GDS #Shortened #Short
Geriatric Depression Scale ... Geriatric #Depression #Scale
AAST spleen / splenic injury scale 

- Morgan Pinkston Eutermoser

#Diagnosis #Traumatic #Spleen #Splenic #Injury #Rupture #Scale
splenic injury scale ... Injury #Rupture #Scale
Pupil Reactivity Score (GCS-P) Addition to the Glasgow Coma Score

#GCSP #Glasgow #Coma #Score #Pupillary #Scale #Diagnosis
Score #Pupillary #Scale