7235 results
Angioedema of the Tongue - Examples
#Clinical #Allergy #Angioedema #Tongue
of the Tongue - Examples ... #Clinical #Allergy
Ammonium Urate Crystals on Urine Microscopy
Very much like a black sea urchin in these particular examples

these particular examples ... #crystalluria #clinical
Examples of varying granular and granular/waxy mixed casts: 
A: coarse granular/broad-waxy (and surrounding white blood cells);
Examples of varying ... Urine #Microscopy #Clinical
Seborrheic keratoses vary widely in appearance - one of the most common benign skin lesions that
#Dermatology #Clinical ... #Photo #Table #Examples
Here are the most common examples of these four patterns on a chest x-ray (click image
the most common examples ... Atelectasis #Diagnosis #Clinical
An example of the wall echo shadow (WES) sign. Well defined, echogenic gallbladder wall with posterior
An example of the ... Dallas_Holladay #Clinical
A non-subtle example of true Sezary syndrome.  Patient presented with erythroderma without antecedent history of
A non-subtle example ... Syndrome #Cells #Clinical
Portal Venous Gas on Ultrasound
The most dramatic example I have seen of preterminal systemic intravascular and
most dramatic example ... #Liver #POCUS #Clinical
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy on POCUS Echocardiogram

Patient is in shock. POCUS RUSH exam shows the shock is cardiogenic.
Nice example of ... BrokenHeart #Syndrome #Clinical
Illustrative examples of culture-confirmed erythema migrans. A, A single erythema migrans lesion of 8.5 × 5.0
Illustrative examples ... #Clinical #Dermatology