3 results
Nodular pattern(2)
1. Sarcoidosis: nodules with perilymphatic distribution, along fissures, adenopathy.
2. TB: Tree-in-bud appearance in a patient
Nodular pattern( ... a patient with active ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #Pattern #Comparison ... #Table #RadiologyAssistant
On the left some diseases with a nodular pattern.
1. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: ill defined centrilobular nodules.
2. Miliary
pattern. 1. ... a patient with active ... #Clinical #Diagnosis ... Differential #Comparison #Table ... #RadiologyAssistant
Rockwood Clinical Frailty Score

There is no single generally accepted clinical definition of frailty. Previously developed tools
Rockwood Clinical ... the day. 5 Mildly ... from whatever cause ... so, they seem stable ... #Scale #Score #CFS