5 results
The azygoesophageal recess is the region inferior to the level of the azygos vein arch in
cyst #Clinical #Anatomy ... #Radiology #CTChest ... #AzygoesophagealRecess ... Azygoesophageal #Recess #RadiologyAssistant
The left main pulmonary artery (in purple) passes over the left main bronchus and is higher
The left main pulmonary ... #Clinical #Anatomy ... #Radiology #CXR ... #Pulmonary #Artery ... #RadiologyAssistant
On a chest film only the outer contours of the heart are seen.
In many cases we
blood from the pulmonary ... just below the pulmonary ... #Anatomy #Radiology ... Cardiac #Chambers #RadiologyAssistant
In this illustration the lower lobe arteries are coloured blue because they contain oxygen-poor blood.
They have
orientation, while the pulmonary ... level of the main pulmonary ... #Anatomy #Radiology ... PulmonaryVeins #RadiologyAssistant
Supraclavicular nodes
1.Low cervical, supraclavicular and sternal notch nodes
From the lower margin of the cricoid to the
the left main pulmonary ... artery #Anatomy ... #Radiology #Pulmonary ... LymphNode #Map #IASLC #RadiologyAssistant