7173 results
Assessing Pain - Kids <4 Years: Very limited communication; Can use the FLACC Scale (Faces, Legs,
communication; Can use the FLACC ... Peds #Pediatrics #FLACC ... #PainScale #Assessment
For children greater than one year who are preverbal, a well performing scale is the FLACC
performing scale is the FLACC ... PostOperative #PainScale ... #rFLACC #Assessment
Lego Pain Assessment Tool

#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatrics #Lego #VisualAnalog #PainScale #VAS #Asssement
#VisualAnalog #PainScale
Ventricular Aneurysm on Fluoroscopy

ALAA GABI, MD, FACC, RPVI @alaa_gabi

#Ventricular #LV #Aneurysm #Fluoroscopy #Clinical #CathLab #Cardiology #Angiography
ALAA GABI, MD, FACC ... #Fluoroscopy #Clinical
PFO with shunting on Contrast Echocardiogram (a4c) 
74 yo presents with CVA. RoPE score of 4.
Shemisa MD, FACP, FACC ... Echocardiogram #a4c #clinical
CRIES is a 10-point scale, using a physiologic basis similar to APGAR: Crying; Requires increased oxygen
in the ED, the clinician ... Peds #Pediatrics #PainScale
Myxedema Heart on Echocardiogram
52F with weeks of shortness of breath, pedal edema and constipation.  Exam
Eli Gelfand, MD, FACC ... Echocardiogram #clinical
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
rashes you see in clinic ... #peds #rashes #clinical
Dengue Illness - Clinical Course of the Disease - Febrile, Critical, Recovery phases
 • Days of
Dengue Illness - Clinical ... Disease - Febrile, Critical ... • Potential clinical
Cranial Nerves - Anatomy, Clinical Signs and Study Tips
#Anatomy #CranialNerves #MedicalStudent #Overview
Nerves - Anatomy, Clinical