934 results
Xeropthalmia: Pathogenesis and Ocular Manifestations

Decr Visual pigment -> Keratinization, thickening & non-wetting of the conjunctiva
triangular patches of foamy ... #Xeropthalmia #pathophysiology
Treatments for Sickle Cell disease

#Sicklecell #sicklecelldisease #sicklecellanemia, #sicklecells #sickle #hematology #anemia #clinical #pediatrics #FOAM #FOAMed
clinical #pediatrics #FOAM ... #FOAMed
Cures for Sickle Cell disease 

#Sicklecell #sicklecelldisease #sicklecellanemia, #sicklecells #sickle #hematology #anemia #clinical #pediatrics #FOAM #FOAMed
clinical #pediatrics #FOAM ... #FOAMed
Complications of sickle cell disease slide 2/3 

#Sicklecell #sicklecelldisease #sicklecellanemia, #sicklecells #sickle #hematology #anemia #clinical #pediatrics
clinical #pediatrics #FOAM ... #FOAMed
Complications of Sickle Cell Disease slide 1/3

#Sicklecell #sicklecelldisease #sicklecellanemia, #sicklecells #sickle #hematology #anemia #clinical #pediatrics #FOAM
clinical #pediatrics #FOAM ... #FOAMed
Pathophysiology of Iron Deficiency in CKD

Dr. Muner Mohamed @MunerMohamed1

#Iron #Deficiency #CKD #Pathophysiology #nephrology
Pathophysiology ... Muner Mohamed @MunerMohamed1 ... Deficiency #CKD #Pathophysiology
In ARDS, we know that the lungs are so diffusely injured that the remaining total area
#pathophysiology ... management #ards #foamed
Mechanisms of thiazide diuretic side effects

Dr. Muner Mohamed @MunerMohamed1

#thiazide #diuretic #pharmacology #pathophysiology #sideeffects #adverseeffects #nephrology
Muner Mohamed @MunerMohamed1 ... #pharmacology #pathophysiology
Pathogenesis of ANCA-associated vasculitis

Dr. Muner Mohamed @MunerMohamed1 

#ANCA #vasculitis #pathophysiology #nephrology
Muner Mohamed @MunerMohamed1 ... ANCA #vasculitis #pathophysiology
REBEL Review 89: Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage #FOAMed #table #obstetrics #hemorrhage #PPH
Postpartum Hemorrhage #FOAMed