852 results
Intubation Airway Management Algorithm #Management #CriticalCare #Airway #Algorithm #Intubation #Difficult #Crash #RSI #Failed #Ddxof
Algorithm #Management #CriticalCare ... Difficult #Crash #RSI #Failed
EMCrit Remix of the STC Failed Airway Algorithm #Management #CriticalCare #STC #FailedAirway #Algorithm #Emcrit
Remix of the STC Failed ... Algorithm #Management #CriticalCare
Here is the Failed Airway Algo I see many centers use in lieu of the STC
Here is the Failed ... #Management #CriticalCare
A Flow Diagram for Resuscitation in Sepsis-induced Hypoperfusion

== Commentary (https://twitter.com/Ale_DC7/status/1092112204206346241) ==

This diagram is from '17 but
indiscriminately until the BP fails ... GoalDirected #Management #CriticalCare
Proposed Respiratory Support Algorithm in COVID19

The ‘intubate early’ paradigm, where patients who “fail” low flow oxygen
patients who “fail ... management #schema #criticalcare
Pulmonary Embolism Treatment
Systemic Thrombolysis
 - Exclude contraindications.
 - Indications:
   - Massive PE (definite indication)
in patients who fail ... AcutePE #Management #CriticalCare
ICU Pre-Rounding Bundle Checklist
VITALS: trends!
 • Important to know if the pt is getting better or
RSBI, and if they failed ... Bundle #Checklist #CriticalCare
Clinical Management for Three Common Causes of Shock 
 • Ensure adequate ventilation and oxygenation.
volume restoration fails ... Shock #Management #CriticalCare
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)

Intra-aortic balloon counter-pulsation is a method of invasive hemodynamic support. A catheter is
A gas filled balloon ... SV) The thick-walled ... management #cardiology #criticalcare
Pre RSI Checklist

I also simplified, clarified, and improved every aspect of the checklist. So here is
that has been field-tested ... #Management #CriticalCare