35 results
Landmark technique for fascia iliaca nerve block for hip fractures in the Emergency Department. 

Created by
Landmark technique ... #infographic #FasciaIliaca ... #FICB #Landmark
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Lower Limb Local Nerve Blocks

 - Fascia Iliaca
 - Femoral
POCUS #Ultrasound #FasciaIliaca
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Trauma Local Nerve Block

 - Ribs
 - Serratus
 - Fascia Iliaca
Ribs #Serratus #FasciaIliaca
Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) - 6 Landmarks

#Endoscopic #Ultrasound #EUS #Landmarks #diagnosis #gastroenterology
Ultrasound (EUS) - 6 Landmarks ... Ultrasound #EUS #Landmarks
Ascites Drain Placement - Paracentesis Landmarks

by Naomi Robson @robson_visuals, Dr. Keith Siau @drkeithsiau, Dr. Steven Bollipo
- Paracentesis Landmarks ... #Paracentesis #Landmarks
Summary and links to five landmark trials of intensive control vs standard therapy in DM2:

links to five landmark ... Diabetes #DM2 #Type2 #Landmark
Paracentesis: Anatomic Landmarks

#Managment #Paracentesis #Anatomic #Landmarks
Paracentesis: Anatomic Landmarks ... Paracentesis #Anatomic #Landmarks
Approximation of Fundal Height 

Gestational age - Fundal Height Landmark 
12 wks - Pubic symphysis 
Fundal Height Landmark
Zones of the Neck - Landmarks and Anatomic Structures

#Anatomy #Neck #Zones #III #Anatomic #Structures
of the Neck - Landmarks
Lister's tubercle aka dorsal tubercle of the distal end of the radius.  It's a bony
It is used as a landmark