916 results
Knee Examination
Right Knee - Examination maneuvers include the Lachman (ACL), anterior drawer (ACL), Lateral pivot shift,
maneuvers include the Lachman ... #PhysicalExam #Lachman ... #Drawer #Test #msk
Normal (Negative) Lachman Test for ACL Injury

Andrew Dold, MD @dr.dold.md

#Lachmans #test #ACL #Knee #Injury #Normal #Negative
Normal (Negative) Lachman ... cruciate #ligament #msk
Positive Lachman test in ACL Injury

Here is an exam of a patient under anesthesia with an
Positive Lachman ... cruciate #ligament #msk
Lachman test in ACL-deficient Knee

This patient has pathologic varus alignment across the knee and a chronic
Lachman test in ... cruciate #ligament #msk
Bilateral Lens Dislocation in Marfan syndrome - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Bilateral #Lens #Dislocation
Dislocation in Marfan ... #Dislocation #Marfan
Lens Dislocation on Ocular POCUS

Sudden onset blurred vision, worse looking to the right. + Marfan' Syndrome

. + Marfan' Syndrome ... clinical #ultrasound #marfan
Marfan Syndrome - Signs and Symptoms

- Caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 (FBN1) Gene (chromosome 15)
Marfan Syndrome
Video Laryngoscopy vs Direct Laryngoscopy on Successful First-Pass Orotracheal Intubation Among ICU Patients

JAMA. 2017;317(5):483-493 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2598718

Conclusions: Among
Wilkinsonjonny #MACMAN ... Anesthesiology #Intubation #FirstPass
Hand Arthritides - Differential Diagnosis by Location and Features

The Painful Hand!  Wish I would’ve thought
prior to my first MSK ... Diagnosis #Location #MSK
Radius and Ulna Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Radius #Ulna #Anatomy #Bones #orthopedics #MSK
#orthopedics #MSK