849 results
The retracted visceral pleura is seen (blue arrow) which indicates that there is a pneumothorax.
There is
there is an air-fluid ... small, this air-fluid ... Hydropneumothorax #RadiologyAssistant
Nontuberculous mycobacteria
Nontuberculous mycobacteria, also known as atypical mycobacteria, are all the other mycobacteria which can cause
Notice the air-fluid ... AirFluidLevel #RadiologyAssistant
Pleural fluid
It takes about 200-300 ml of fluid before it comes visible on an CXR (figure).
Pleural fluid It ... 200-300 ml of fluid ... liters of pleural fluid ... Volume #Diagram #RadiologyAssistant
Pleural fluid may become encysted.
Here we see fluid entrapped within the fissure.
This can sometimes give the
Pleural fluid may ... Here we see fluid ... #Pseudotumor #RadiologyAssistant
Stage II - Interstitial edema
Stage II of CHF is characterized by fluid leakage into the interlobular
characterized by fluid ... When fluid leaks ... Intersitial #Edema #RadiologyAssistant
Differential diagnosis of Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis. 
On the left multiple diseases showing septal thickening:
1. Lymphangitic carcinomatosis: irregular
of alveoli with fluid ... of the alveolar fluid ... Comparison #Table #RadiologyAssistant
There is displacement of the azygoesophageal line both superiorly an inferiorly.
There is an air-fluid level (arrow).
There is an air-fluid ... with residual fluid ... AirFluidLevel #Aspiration #RadiologyAssistant
Whenever you see an area of increased density within the lung, it must be the result
the alveoli with fluid ... Consolidation #Patterns #RadiologyAssistant
Diffuse consolidation
The most common cause of diffuse consolidation is pulmonary edema due to heart failure.
This is
B-lines and pleural fluid ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant
The retracted visceral pleura is seen which indicates that there is a pneumothorax.
There is a horizontal
there is an air-fluid ... small, this air-fluid ... Hydropneumothorax #RadiologyAssistant