1175 results
An Approach to Acute Dyspnea - Diagnostic Framework

From the HPI, PMH, vitals, focused physical exam (e.g.
, PMH, vitals, focused ... (e.g. cardiac, pulmonary
IVC Thrombus on Ultrasound
Inferior vena cava thrombus extending to the right heart (pulmonary embolism) imaged using
the right heart (pulmonary ... POCUS / FoCUS for
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound - A-Lines, B-Lines, Consolidation
A-Profile - Air filled lung does not transmit sound
seen IM POCUS Focus ... Differential #Diagnosis #pulmonary
Subpleural Infarcts secondary to PE on POCUS
These are small wedge lesions below the pleural that can
decreased depth and a focus ... clinical #ultrasound #pulmonary
Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echo (FATE) - Basic FATE views

Pos 1: Subcostal 4-chamber

Pos 2: Apical 4-chamber

Pos 3:
Focus Assessed Transthoracic ... scanning #FATE #Focused
Lung Point in Pneumothorax - Lung POCUS
When looking for lung sliding you should make the image
very shallow to focus ... #Pneumothorax #Pulmonary
Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (eFAST) Exam - POCUS Assessment Protocol

Infographic by Dr. Jonny
Extended Focused ... POCUS #Extended #Focused
Absent Lung Sliding in Pneumothorax - Lung POCUS
When looking for lung sliding you should make the
very shallow to focus ... #Pneumothorax #Pulmonary
Focused Lung Assessment: Transducer positions for the 8 lung zones #EM #Radiology #PCC #POCUS #Focused #Lung
Focused Lung Assessment ... Radiology #PCC #POCUS #Focused
FASH Exam - POCUS - Pictorial summary of the focused assessment with sonography for human immunodeficiency
summary of the focused ... #Examination #Focused