3 results
Types of Brain Herniation
1) Uncal Transtentorial
2) Central Transtentorial
3) Subfalcine
4) Transcalvarial
5) Ascending Transtentorial
6) Tonsilar

#Brain #Herniation #Types #Classification
Types of Brain Herniation ... ) Tonsilar #Brain ... #Herniation #Types ... #Classification ... #diagnosis #neurology
Lumbar Stenosis - Canal and Foraminal Stenosis Grading

How do we tell if the nerves have enough
Stenosis - Canal and Foraminal ... For foramina, it ... Stenosis #Grading #Classification ... #diagnosis #neurology ... neuroradiology #orthopedics
The first step is to separate seizures by how they begin in the brain. The type
The type of seizure ... on, the seizure type ... #Diagnosis #Neurology ... #ILAE2017 #Classification ... #Seizure #Types