36 results
The Various Epinephrine Dosing and Formulations Available in the Emergency Department

Eric Abrams, MD @eabramsMD

#Epinephrine #Dosing #Formulations
Epinephrine Dosing and Formulations ... Epinephrine #Dosing #Formulations
Ultimate Insulin Comparison Table - via tldrpharmacy

Formulations, Onset, Peak, Duration, and Storage

By J. Nile Barnes, PharmD,
tldrpharmacy Formulations ... #Peak #Onset #Formulations
IV Iron Formulations

#IV #Iron #Formulations #Intravenous #Pharmacology #Comparison #Table #Dosing
IV Iron Formulations ... #IV #Iron #Formulations
Vitamin D Product Formulations

- Amelia Furbish PharmD Student @ https://www.instagram.com/happypillsrx/

#VitaminD #VitaminD3 #VitaminD2 #Pharmacology #Formulations
Vitamin D Product Formulations ... #Pharmacology #Formulations
Currently available naloxone products. MAD = mucosal atomization device

#naloxone #formulations #pharmacology #products #prescribing
#naloxone #formulations
What are the different types of buprenorphine?

Though predominantly used as a sublingual film, buprenorphine can also
combination naloxone formulations ... Buprenorphine #Formulations
Tenofovir is one of the most commonly used NRTI's! The original formulation is tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
The original formulation ... TAF) is a newer formulation ... #Tenofovir #Formulations
Topical drug formulations, comparison and considerations

#pharmacology #table #medications #comparison #drugs #treatment #pharmacotherapy #dermatology
Topical drug formulations
Long-Acting Dual Bronchodilators - LAMA/LABA Combo Inhalers 

The FDA approved a new dual bronchodilator (LABA/LAMA) combination
Having different formulations ... better to different formulations
With the recent publication of the FDA Guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer compounding, I thought to
to post the 2 formulations