94 results
Approach to an Eye Exam

1. History
2. Obvious Physical Trauma
3. Initial Assessment
  A. Visual Acuity
Approach to an Eye ... Fovea E. ... EyeExamination #Approach
Swan Ganz - Pulmonary Artery Catheter Basics

Nick Mark MD @nickmmark

#PA #SwanGanz #Pulmonary #Artery #Catheter #Basics #Diagnosis
Swan Ganz - Pulmonary ... #PA #SwanGanz #Pulmonary ... Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare
Capnography and 12 Common Waves - Credit: Charlie Alvarenga

#Diagnosis #CriticalCare #Capnography #Waveforms #Interpretation #ETCO2 #EndTidalCO2 #pulmonary
#Diagnosis #CriticalCare ... #EndTidalCO2 #pulmonary
"Appropriate thoracentesis approach"-McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine 

#Thoracentesis #Procedure #Pulmonary #Management #Needle #Positioning
thoracentesis approach ... Thoracentesis #Procedure #Pulmonary
POCUS Lung Algorithm for the Use of Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Dyspnea 

#Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare
Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare ... #Ddxof #Lung #Pulmonary
An Approach to Chronic Dyspnea - Diagnostic Framework

Pulmonary, Cardiovascular and Miscellaneous Cause

Dr. Eric Strong https://twitter.com/DrEricStrong 

An Approach to Chronic ... Diagnostic Framework Pulmonary
General approach to AKI - Checklist

Urine electrolytes & FENa - Previously, it was believed that urine
General approach ... AcuteKidneyInjury #Nephrology #CriticalCare
Vasopressors Demystified

Shock comes in many flavors and so do vasopressors. Here’s a OnePager summarizing my approach
summarizing my approach ... Vasopressors #Basics #CriticalCare
Hypotension - Rapid Response Management

1) Ask for vitals en route
2) Immediate Assessment
3) Examine for a cause:
use a directed approach ... Hypotension #Management #criticalcare
Mechanical Ventilation in High Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
- Maintain PEEP < ICP
- Dealing with ICP
- HOB effect
Elevated #management #pulmonary ... #criticalcare