9 results
COPD assessment and classification as proposed by GOLD 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2017 Reports. For further
COPD #Assessment #GOLD2001 ... #GOLD2006 #GOLD2011 ... #GOLD2017 #History ... Severity #mMRC #FEV1FVC
GOLD2017 - The refined ABCD assessment tool. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital
GOLD2017 - The refined ... Pulmonary #COPD #GOLD2017 ... Classification #FEV1FVC
Classifications for COPD through the Years
Graphic Design by Mr. Ramon Thompson
#Diagnosis #COPD #Classification #Severity #Critera #GOLD2006
Severity #Critera #GOLD2006 ... #GOLD2011 #GOLD2017
GOLD 2009 guidelines for therapy at each stage of COPD
#Diagnosis #Management #Pulmonary #COPD #GOLD #Staging #Severity
Classification #FEV1 #FEV1FVC
Pharmacologic treatment algorithms by Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease grade. Highlighted boxes and arrows
Pulmonary #COPD #GOLD2017
COPD Preferred Treatments - GOLD 2018 

COPD is a common progressive respiratory condition that can be
According to GOLD2018 ... /ambcarerx #GOLD2018
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
 • COPD Definition
 • Role of PFTs
 • COPD Classification and
diagnosis #management #GOLD2022
COPD Management Algorithm - GOLD 2019 guidelines 

Categorize into COPD GOLD A-D -> Initiate first-line therapy
Classic (2009) Spirometric GOLD Classification of COPD Severity Based on Postbronchodilator FEV
#Diagnosis #Pulmonary #COPD #GOLD #Staging
Classification #FEV1 #FEV1FVC