63 results
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

#Clinical #Photo #Peds #Pediatrics #HFMD #HandFootMouth #Disease #SkinRash
Disease #Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics ... HandFootMouth #Disease #SkinRash
Tinea Pedis: Scaly red erruption of the feet caused by fungal dermatitis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
Tinea Pedis: Scaly ... Images #Clinical #Photo ... #Dermatology #SkinRash ... #Tinea #Pedis #
PocketPEM - Resus Meds
#Management #Pharm	#Peds #EM	#Resus #Medications #ResusMeds #Resuscitation #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - Resus Meds ... Management #Pharm #Peds ... #EM #Resus #Medications
Do you manage Kids’ airway?

Paediatric Airway Chart for the FOAMed Airway crew who deals with kids’
#Management #Peds ... Devices #Table #GOSHLevi
PocketPEM - Bronchiolitis #Diagnosis #Management #Peds #EM #Bronchiolitis #PocketCard #PocketPEM
Diagnosis #Management #Peds ... #EM #Bronchiolitis
PocketPEM - Airway - SOAPME #Management #Peds #EM #PICU #Airway #PocketCard #SOAPME #PocketCard #PocketPEM
SOAPME #Management #Peds ... #EM #PICU #Airway
PocketPEM - Pediatric Fever Workup #Diagnosis #Peds #EM #Fever #Pediatric #Fever #Workup #PocketCard #PocketPEM
Workup #Diagnosis #Peds ... #EM #Fever #Pediatric
PocketPEM - Wound Closure Suture Guide #Management #Peds #EM #Wound #Closure #Suture #Selection #Removal #PocketCard #PocketPEM
Guide #Management #Peds ... #EM #Wound #Closure
PocketPEM - CPR - Compressions, Cycle #Management #Peds #EM #PICU #CPR #Neonate #Infant #PocketCard #PocketPEM
Cycle #Management #Peds ... #EM #PICU #CPR
PocketPEM - Splints #Peds #Ortho #EM #Splints #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - Splints #Peds ... #Ortho #EM #Splints