26 results
Novel Antibiotics Against 
Resistant Gram-negative Bacteria 

- IDagram

#Novel #Antibiotics #Resistant #GramNegative #Bacteria #Management #Resistance
Novel Antibiotics ... @ID_agram #Novel ... Antibiotics #Resistant #GramNegative
Gram Negactive Bacteria Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Algorithm #Lactose #Oxidase #Urease #GNR
#Microbiology #GramNegative
Gram Negative Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Oxidase #Lactose #Urease
#Microbiology #GramNegative
Algorithm demonstrating identification of aerobic gram negative bacteria #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Lactose
#Microbiology #GramNegative
Table of Antibiotics for Highly Resistant Gram Negative Infections 

Ceftazidime, Cefepime, Piperacillin/ Tazobactam, Carbapenems, Aztreonam, Aminoglycosides
Antibiotics #Resistant #GramNegative
Idagram of novel antibiotics for Resistant Gram Positive Bbacteria

Ceftaroline (IV), Ceftobiprole (IV), lclaprim (IV),  
Idagram of novel ... Bacteria #Management #Novel
NOAC / DOAC Pharmacology and Prescribing Cheat Sheet
Novel (or Direct) Oral Anti-Coagulants
 • Rivaroxaban
 • Apixaban
Prescribing Cheat Sheet Novel
Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and R0 of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 compared to other famous contagious
and R0 of the Novel
Therapy for AL Amyloidosis 2019 
 - Antibodies (Plasma cells) 
 - Proteasome Inhibitors 
Steroids - Novel
Criteria for Patients Under Investigation for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) / COVID-19

Fever or signs/symptoms of lower
Investigation for 2019 Novel ... Investigation #Novel