2741 results
Natural history
Aneurysms may progress in size as a result of gradual wall weakening [6], with rupture
as a result of gradual ... 37:1106-1117 #Management
Primary and Secondary Headaches - Red Flags and Differential Diagnosis
Red Flags (SNOOP):
S - Systemic		
N - Neurologic
Global (30%) • Gradual ... primary #secondary #management
Goals and limits for treatment of Hyponatremia Stratified by duration and risk of Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome
—6 mEq/L. then gradual ... goals #limits #management
DPP4 Inhibitors - Normal and Renal Dosing

Increase Incretins (GLP-I & GIP) -> Stimulates Insulin, Inhibits Glucagon
Blood Sugar (post-prandial ... primarily post-prandial ... #Pharmacology #Management

The gradual fall in serum potassium level is reflected electrocardiographically by the following features:

1. Gradual decrease
Hypokalaemia: The gradual ... Gradual decrease
Dyspnea Evaluation Algorithm
Exercise Limitation:
 - None
 - Intermittent
 - Persistent - Gradual (months to years)
- Persistent - Gradual
Distinguishing Between Paralytic vs Mechanical Ileus
Paralytic Ileus
 - Medical history: Frequent ulcer or gallstone pains or
perforation) or gradual ... Onset: Always gradual
Dysphagia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Oropharyngeal - Can't initiate swallow, Cough/nasal regurg when attempting to swallow
obstruction) - Gradual
Prevention and Treatment of Nutritional Complications after Bariatric Surgery
Types of Bariatric Surgery:
 • Adjustable Gastric Banding
Switch (BPD-DS) Management ... Hyperinsulinemic Post-prandial
The 4 Variants of Sinus Arrhythmia
Phasic Sinus Arrhythmia:
 • The rate increases with respiration and decreases
rate change is gradual ... wave contour is gradual