979 results
Clinical features of focal cortical brain lesions in a right-handed individual

Frontal, either:  
Intellectual impairment, 
or neglect, Agraphaesthesia ... recognition #Cortex
Cornea Anatomy
#Anatomy #Ophthalmology #Corneal #Bowmans #Descemets #Membrane
Cornea Anatomy # ... Anatomy #Ophthalmology
Central Nervous System Disorders - Patterns of Localization - Cerebral Cortex, Brainstem, Spinal Cord, Subcortical, Cerebellum

Localization - Cerebral Cortex ... Localization #Neurology #Cortex
Critical and Emergent Causes of Neuromuscular Weakness
 - Cerebral cortex or subcortical 
- Cerebral cortex ... - Cerebral cortex
Amblyopia ("Lazy Eye"): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Amblyopia => 
Interruption of visual stimulation during childhood visual development
primary visual cortex ... pathophysiology #ophthalmology
Hormonal Secretions of the Adrenal Gland

#Adrenal #Gland #Cortex #Medulla #Hormones #Pathophysiology #Endocrinology
Adrenal #Gland #Cortex
Algorithm for the Evaluation of the Red and Painful Eye
1. External
2. Lids and Lashes
3. Conjunctiva and
Cornea 5. ... Differential #Anatomy #Ophthalmology
Filamentary Keratitis- Slit lamp examination reveals filaments (‘mucoepithelioid” strands) adherent to the corneal surface. The filaments
filament #keratitis #Ophthalmology ... #photo #cornea
Principal features of Destructive and Irritative cortical lesions in right-handed individual

#Cortical #Cortex #Lesions #Features #Signs #Symptoms
#Cortical #Cortex
Supracondylar Fracture Classification - Type I: Non-displaced. Type II: Displaced with intact anterior cortex. Type III:
intact anterior cortex ... and posterior cortex