332 results
Sydenham Chorea on Physical Exam

Milkmaid's grip sign seen with hand gripping.

#Milkmaids #Sydenham #Chorea #PhysicalExam #milking #sign
Milkmaid's grip ... milking #sign #hand #grip
Milkmaid’s Grip of Chorea on Physical Exam
Milk maids grip is appreciated as an alternating squeezing and
Milkmaid’s Grip ... Exam Milk maids grip ... constant, firm grip ... result of poor grip ... #Milkmaids #Grip
Froment’s Test for Ulnar Nerve Palsy

This tests for pinch grip weakness caused by ulnar nerve palsy,
tests for pinch grip ... patient is asked to grip
Epicondylitis - Lateral: Focal epicondyle tenderness, decreased grip strength, pain with resisted wrist extension. Medial: Focal
tenderness, decreased grip
Age Related Macular Degeneration: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Photoreceptor atrophy 
-> Extracellular debris (drusen) from RPE atrophy/metabolism
when looking at a grid ... Amsler grid) ... when looking at a grid ... Amsler grid)
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

 • Paresthesia of 5th and medial half of 4th
• Decreased grip
Mixing instructions for epinephrine - a "dirty epi drip"

 - Inject 1 mg of epinephrine into
- a "dirty epi drip ... Epinephrine #Dirty #Drip
A1C and eAG
*For Educational Purposes Only*

#Diabetes #T2D #DM2 #Table #PrimaryCare #Endocrinology #BloodGlucose #A1C
#PrimaryCare #Endocrinology
Glucose-lowering medication in type 2 diabetes - Algorithm

#Diabetes #Medications #Algorithm #Pharmacology #Pharmacotherapy #Hypoglycemic #Management #Endocrinology
Hypoglycemic #Management #Endocrinology
Features of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism

#hyperthyroidism #hypothyroidism #features #signs #symptoms #endocrinology
signs #symptoms #endocrinology